Sunday, November 18, 2012

Mens Fashion - Dressing Well on a Budget

Let's say you are on a budget. And by that we mean a severely restricted budget where you have to choose between buying clothes and food. You can eat ramen, rice, and beans, and spaghetti which you buy at the dollar store or in the case of ramen you can buy them for 12 for $1 at the super discount warehouse store. What do they make ramen out of? Old newspapers? - that allows them to sell it for that price in all the varieties of exotic flavors like shrimp (which you will need a microscope to see one, these are not jumbo shrimp but real scrimpy shrimp).

Of you can go get the 99 cents special at the local fast food burger shop to keep from starving to death and save money on food. But what about your clothes, if you are totally broke does that also mean you are fashionably challenged? And you need to go to the local welfare office to apply for clothes stamps instead of food stamps (which they don't have by the way, so forget about that idea).

You may have little or no budget for clothes, but there are ways to obtain them that only depend on your creativity. One of the ways is to get a part time job in a retail men's clothes shop that has the clothes you really like but cannot afford. The pay is terrible, but you don't do this for the pay, you do this for the clothes. You get an employee discount as part of your job. You also get to see what is really good before anyone else gets to see it.

When you are re-stocking and you see someth women's coats ing you really like, that will be a classic and long-lasting addition to your wardrobe, ask your boss if you can put one of them in your size aside in the back room for later purchase by you. He or she knows that it may takes many weeks or months at your take home pay of $67.56 per week, and the manager wants to keep you enslaved so they will usually cooperate. After that you wait until your perfect item collects a bit of dust in the back room, when all those items are being dumped by the store. What we mean by this is that retail fashion is a treadmill.

The clothes come in, and they are like vegetables. If they stay too long in the store they are taking up space for hotter faster selling items or they are out of season. The way the retail stores deal with this is they discount the remaining pieces of clothes (usually in sizes that nobody really wants). A customer who is a savvy shopper upon entering a retail store will walk first all the way to the back to see if there are any discounted clothes they like in their size.

Quite often they are disappointed because there may be a few things that are really nice, but they are either the size of Godzilla or something Tinkerbelle could wear. That is when you pull out you reserved version of the same thing. To do this properly you must be totally honest (never steal anything), always ask the manager for permission to put something away for yourself in back, then wait patiently for the time to ripen.

When those few remaining items of the same type as the one you choose months ago are on the super discounted sales rack, that is when you bring out your now dusty item and tell the manager you forgot about it and should you put it on the discount rack or can you buy it for the discount price (with also your employee discount). With this method you may end up with a brand new $300 designer winter coat, that you get in summer (after all the discounts) for $50 and you will laugh when winter comes around again at how clever you are.

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